Police release new CCTV images of man believed to have killed Lyra McKee

PSNI appeals directly to gunman to explain why 29-year-old died

The PSNI have released new CCTV footage from the night journalist Lyra McKee was murdered in Derry. Video: PSNI

The detective leading the investigation into the murder of journalist Lyra McKee says he believes the gunman who shot her was a teenager.

PSNI detective superintendent Jason Murphy told reporters the members of the public who witnessed rioting in the Creggan area of Derry on Holy Thursday will have seen the gunman and know who he is.

Police have released new footage of three people involved in the street disorder in the area last week and the man they suspect of being the New IRA gunman responsible for killing the 29-year-old writer, who had been observing rioting unfold.

DS Murphy said he is keen to “convert community information and intelligence into tangible evidence to allow me to bring this individual to justice”.


“What I need is the public to tell me who he is, provide me with the evidence that links that footage to that individual and therefore link him to the murder of Lyra McKee,” he said.

The senior officer said the crowd involved in disorder on the night were teenagers and in their early 20s and that he believes the gunman is a teenager.

The new footage released by police is of immediately before and after the 29-year-old was fatally wounded.

It shows three men, of varying heights walking by a fence.

The first, tallest man, is carrying a crate of petrol bombs.

The second is wearing a camouflage type face mask, jeans which are ripped at the knee and trainers with a white tick on them.

The third, shortest man, who police believe is the gunman also has his face covered.

DS Murphy said he understood the local community may be scared but he believes they have the information needed by police to bring those responsible for the killing to justice.

“I do believe the community has information that can help me unlock the key to Lyra McKee’s murder, “ he said.

He understands the community is “frightened” and offered reassurances that the police will handle any contact sensitively.

“I am just looking for a conversation,” he said.

He also said he believed the gun used in the shooting was of a similar calibre to those used before in paramilitary type attacks in the Creggan.

Crimestoppers have offered a reward of up to £10,000 for information which leads to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for Ms McKee’s death.

DS Murphy also appealed to the gunman to search his conscience.

“I want him to provide an explanation,” he said.