Portmarnock pub kitchen closed over food poisoning outbreak

Food Safety Authority issues closure order on O’Dwyer’s Bar and Grill in north Dublin

O’Dwyers Bar and Grill pub closed its kitchen and food facilities due to an ‘unforeseen health scare’. Image: Google Street view

The Food Safety Authority has issued a closure order on the kitchens of O'Dwyers pub in Portmarnock, Co Dublin, as part of an investigation into an outbreak of salmonella.

A spokeswoman for the authority said it issued a closure order last Friday on the kitchen facilities in O’Dwyers Bar and Grill run by catering company Flanreil Food Services.

"The Food Safety Authority of Ireland is liaising with the Health Service Executive (HSE) regarding an investigation into a recent food poisoning outbreak due to salmonella in north Dublin," the spokeswoman said.

“The investigation is in its early stages and while it is currently focussing on a catering company, Flanreil Food Services, the source and cause of the outbreak has not yet been identified.


“A closure order was served by the Health Service Executive on the kitchen and associated storage facilities, occupied by Flanreil Food Services, in O’Dwyers Public House, Strand Road, Portmarnock, Co Dublin.”


A HSE spokeswoman said on foot of food poisoning reports, an “outbreak control team has been formed and an investigation is ongoing” into the north county Dublin pub’s facilities.

O’Dwyers Bar and Grill pub announced it was closing its kitchen and food facilities on Saturday, due to an “unforeseen health scare”. O’Dwyers said on social media on Saturday that the business is working with the HSE and “investigating our recent health scare, and are working hard over the weekend to ensure our kitchen is fit for purpose again early next week. Our sincere apologies to all those who have been inconvenienced by our sudden closure, but the health and safety of our customers must be and is our priority.”

The closure order served to O’Dwyers was a partial closure order that related only to the kitchen and food storage facilities, a spokeswoman from the Food Safety Authority said.

Jack Power

Jack Power

Jack Power is acting Europe Correspondent of The Irish Times