‘Pristine’ waterways: Ireland’s best rivers

EPA report highlights 22 locations where conditions were among the ‘best of the best’

Flesk river in Co Kerry

The EPA has named the 22 “pristine” river sites where conditions were among the “best of the best” in a landmark, six-year report published on Tuesday.

But which rivers take the plaudits?

* the Behanagh river north west of Carrigeen in Co Limerick;
* the Funshion river at Brackbaun bridge in Co Limerick;
* the Glengarriff river at a bridge west of Skehill in Co Cork;
* the Blackwater river at Gearha Bridge in Co Kerry;
* the Flesk river at two sampling stations, Poulgorm Bridge and a bridge near Glenfesk in Co Kerry;
* the Camcor river at Coneyburrow Bridge in Co Offaly;
* Roscomore stream at Aghagurty Bridge in Co Offaly;
* the Boleyneendorish river at Pollboy Co Galway;
* the Owendullagh river in Co Galway at two locations, the ford at Derreen and a bridge south east of Killafeen;
* the Glenumera river at two sites in Co Mayo, north of Glendavock and one km south of Doo Lough;
* the Yellow river in Foxford Co Mayo at a ford near Corlee;
* the Eignagh river at a bridge south of lough Talt in Co Sligo;
* the Glenree river east of Cloonta in Co Mayo;
* the Owensallagh river at a bridge southeast of Gurteen in Co Cavan;
* the Owenveagh river at Glenveagh Cottege in Co Donegal;
* the Cronaniv Burn river at a bridge near Dunlewy Lough;
* the Bulba river 500 metres upstream of the Owenwee River.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist