PSNI says bomb found in Derry estate ‘designed to kill’

Viable device discovered during searches in Currynierin after telephone warnings

A suspected dissident republican bomb found following searches in a housing estate in Derry City was viable and “designed to kill”, a PSNI officer said.

A suspected dissident republican bomb found following searches in a housing estate in Derry was viable and "designed to kill", a PSNI officer said on Tuesday.

Police officers conducted searches in the Currynierin estate on Monday and Tuesday after they received a number of phone warnings that an explosive device was left in a laneway.

Several homes were evacuated and a number of roads in the area were closed as the searches took place.

PSNI Supt Mark McEwan said he believed the bomb was designed to kill police officers. He said had it exploded it could also have killed or maimed members of the public.


Whoever left the bomb “showed a callous disregard for the safety of the community”, said Supt McEwan.

He praised people who were forced from their homes for their patience and understanding during the security alert.

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty is the former Northern editor of The Irish Times