Revenue seizes more than €63,000 at Dublin Airport

Money found in suitcases after two men profiled over suspected criminal activity

Revenue officers seized the money after stopping two men for questioning at Dublin Airport. File photograph: Matt Kavanagh

Revenue officers have seized €63,750 in two separate suitcases after they stopped two men for questioning at Dublin Airport.

A spokeswoman for the Revenue Commissioners said the men, both Romanian nationals in their 30s, were stopped on Sunday morning following routine profiling.

The men were travelling separately and both were boarding the same flight.

“Revenue seized the cash suspecting it to be the proceeds of, or intended for use in, criminal activity,” the spokeswoman said.


At the Dublin District Court on Monday, Judge Anthony Halpin granted a three-month detention for the money order to allow Revenue to investigate further.

The spokeswoman said these investigations were ongoing.