RTÉ board and unions clash over National Symphony Orchestra

Helen Boaden proposal RTÉ cease funding NSO and State step in welcomed by board

RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra: The decision to hive off the orchestra to the State is being opposed by the Trade Union Group in RTÉ. Photograph: RTÉ

The board of RTÉ has welcomed a report recommending that one of the national broadcaster’s orchestras be taken over by the State.

The report by former BBC radio executive Helen Boaden has concluded that RTÉ can no longer afford both the National Symphony Orchestra and the Concert Orchestra.

The report recommended that the National Symphony Orchestra be directly funded by the State, saving RTÉ at least €4 million a year. The Concert Orchestra would remain funded and run by RTÉ.

The RTÉ board met to discuss the report on Wednesday and said it reached the same conclusion as outlined in the Boaden report that “the status quo cannot continue”.


“RTÉ’s orchestras are central to orchestral music in Ireland and RTÉ is acutely conscious that any decisions that follow this review will not be for it alone to make. The support of Government will be essential if orchestral music in Ireland is to flourish.”

Union opposition

The board has now asked RTÉ director-general Dee Forbes and her executive team to begin the process of sorting out the future of both orchestras.

The decision to hive off the orchestra to the State is being opposed by the Trade Union Group (TUG) in RTÉ.

The group pointed out that the decision by the board to accept the recommendations of the Boaden report was made without any representation from it.

TUG chair Shirley Bradshaw said: “In light of the fact that there is currently no staff representative sitting on the board, we would ask that any decision on the Boaden review be postponed until after staff elects, and the Minister appoints, a new member to the board.”

The group has recommended that the State should fund the National Symphony Orchestra but it should remain with RTÉ.

“This would allow two properly funded and resourced orchestras to remain within their natural home, RTÉ,” the group said.

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times