Search resumes for missing Cork fisherman Kodie Healy (24)

Searchers find wreckage, thought to be the vessel used by the young fisherman

Missing fisherman Kodie Healy.

A comprehensive air and sea search is resuming on Friday in West Cork for a 24-year- old lobster fisherman who failed to return to port on Wednesday evening. He has been named locally as Kodie Healy.

The alarm was raised by his father John Healy, also a fisherman, when he failed to return.

A search began at 8pm on Wednesday and was stood down at 2.30am on Thursday.

Searchers found wreckage, thought to be the vessel used by the young fisherman, on Carbery Island.


The search resumed at first light on Thursday with the Coast Guard helicopter Rescue 115, RNLI lifeboats from Castletownbere and Baltimore and the Naval Service patrol ship, LE William Butler Yeats participating.

The town of Goleen and the local fishing community turned out in force to aid the search operation which is primarily targeting an area of Dunmanus Bay where Mr Healy was understood to have been tending to lobster pots.

He was fishing alone at the time.