Spectacular blood moon to be visible over Ireland

Those seeking to see longest total eclipse of the century will have to go to elevated site

One of nature’s most spectacular events, a blood moon, will be visible across Ireland on Friday night. Image: iStock.

One of nature's most spectacular events, a blood moon, will be visible across Ireland on Friday night.

The blood moon is a rare celestial event in which the Earth appears in a straight line between the Moon and the Sun. The shadow of the Earth’s atmosphere filtered through sunlight appears red on the surface of the Moon.

Total eclipses of the Sun and the Moon are quite rare, but this one will be visible across large swathes of the planet. The total eclipse will last between 7.30pm and 9.13pm on Friday.

It will be best viewed between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn but will also be partially visble in Europe and South America.


From Ireland, the Moon will be just below the horizon when it occurs which means that in order to see the blood moon it will be necessary to go to a high point such as a hill or a mountain and look to the south-east horizon.

The blood moon coincides with the planet Mars, which is also red, making its closest approach to the Earth for 15 years.

In ancient times a blood moon was regarded as a harbinger of bad fortune and the end of days.

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times