Steep rise in drink-driving arrests in period before Christmas

First two weeks of Garda campaign sees 341 motorists arrested - 189 more than last year

Gardaí say there will be a continued increase in checkpoints across the State to combat drink-driving in coming days. File photograph: Getty Images

The first two weeks of the Garda’s Christmas drink-driving campaign has seen 341 motorists arrested on suspicion of the offence - 189 more than in the same period last year.

Gardaí said there would be a continued increase in checkpoints across the State in coming days.

Repeated road safety messages

According to assistant commissioner Michael Finn, those who were detected have “failed to heed the repeated road safety messages that have been widely broadcast across every available media platform in relation to drinking and driving”.

“I appeal again to every driver thinking of taking a chance with their life or someone else’s. Don’t do it - never, ever drink and drive,” he said.


As of December 16th, there have been 182 road fatalities in 2016 - an increase of 34 on the same period in 2015.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist