Taoiseach lays flowers on the names of Irish victims at 9/11 Memorial

Micheál Martin visits site of attacks as part of trip to New York for United Nations meetings

The names of almost 3,000 people killed in New York, Washington DC and Pennsylvania are inscribed around two pools in the footprint of the twin World Trade Center towers in New York. Photograph: Cormac McQuinn

Taoiseach Micheál Martin has paid his respects to the victims of the September 11th attacks during a visit to the 9/11 memorial in New York.

The names of almost 3,000 people killed in New York, Washington DC and Pennsylvania are inscribed around two pools in the footprint of the twin World Trade Center towers in Manhattan.

Mr Martin laid flowers on the names of Irish people who were killed in the attacks carried out by al-Qaeda 20 years ago this month.

Jeremy Caz Carrington (34) from Downpatrick was among the Irish victims on 9/11. He worked in the North Tower as a trader for Cantor Fitzgerald.


Dublin-born Joanne Mary Cregan (32) lived in Brooklyn and worked in sales at eSpeed, also in the North Tower.

Martin John Coughlan (53) from Tipperary was working as a carpenter in the South Tower when the attack took place.

Patrick Joseph Currivan (52), a vice president of French firm Atos Euronet, was a passenger on one of the hijacked planes that were used to attack the World Trade Centre.

Sligo native Kieran Joseph Gorman (35) lived in Yonkers with his wife Anne and their two young sons.The couple were expecting a third child. Gorman was a mason tender and was working on a renovation project on the South Tower's 95th floor on the day of the attack.

Ruth Magdaline McCourt (45) lived in Connecticut with her husband David and their young daughter Juliana (4). Ruth and Juliana were on United Airlines Flight 175 which was crashed into the South Tower. They had been going to California where Ruth had planned to meet a friend, Paige Farley-Hackel.

Farley-Hackel was aboard American Airlines Flight 11 which was used by the terrorists to hit the North Tower. Mr Martin visited the memorial as part of his trip to New York where he will be attending United Nations meetings.

Cormac McQuinn

Cormac McQuinn

Cormac McQuinn is a Political Correspondent at The Irish Times