Teenager (15) who died after falling ill in school gym is named

Co Kildare school says Ade Adeleke ‘by his gentle presence made a great contribution’

Ade Adeleke fell ill in the gymnasium at Scoil Mhuire school in Clane, Co Kildare, and was rushed to Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital in Crumlin, Dublin where he died. Photograph: Bryan O’Brien

A 15-year-old boy who died at a Co Kildare school on Tuesday has been named locally.

Ademidun (Ade) Adeleke took ill in the gymnasium at Scoil Mhuire school in Clane, Co Kildare, and was rushed to Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital in Crumlin, Dublin where he died.

Gardaí in Co Kildare are investigating the cause of death and a post-mortem examination is due to take place.

Scoil Mhuire released a statement on Wednesday, saying: “The whole school community at Scoil Mhuire, Clane, is deeply saddened by the sudden death of our third year student.


“We extend our sincere sympathy to Ade’s family, his parents Nike and Bayo, sister Eniola, brother Holly, his extended family and friends.”

The statement added that Ade “by his gentle presence made a great contribution to our school. He had a great passion for athletics, loved soccer and adored Liverpool”.

“He had a deep faith and will be sadly missed in Scoile Mhuire. We are remembering Ade in our thoughts and prayers.”

Aidan Farrelly, a Social Democrats counsellor for the Clane-Maynooth municipal district offered his support for the boy’s next-of-kin.

“It’s the most tragic time for his family and friends. My thoughts go out to them at this point. Having three young kids myself, I know the community will really rally round at this time.

“There is a youth centre in Clane and I’d encourage any young person in need to come in and talk to them for support.”

Independent Counsellor Pádraig McEvoy, who lives in Clane, said: “There is a great amount of shock in his neighbourhood and around the town.”

He said the family would receive support from the community, adding “I would know that the neighbours of the family are very mindful of them”.

Scoil Mhuire has enacted a critical incident plan to ensure students, teachers and parents are offered counselling and support. Students have also been advised to contact a range of services, including Teenline, Childline and Samaritans, for support.