Tesco stores could close if work stoppage goes ahead-union

Mandate says closure of stores a possibility if retailer does not resolve pay issue with staff

The dispute centres on a Labour Court recommendation which dates from April last year. Under the agreement staff would receive a two per cent increase in pay. Photograph: Luke MacGregor/Reuters

Tesco stores could be forced to close if a full work stoppage goes ahead the trade union Mandate has warned.

On Tuesday the union will begin balloting more than 12,000 of its members who work for the supermarket chain in a dispute over pay.

The dispute centres on a Labour Court recommendation which dates from April last year. Under the agreement staff would receive a two per cent increase in pay.

However, the increase has not yet been paid to 1,000 workers who have been with the company since before 1996.


Gerry Light, assistant general secretary of Mandate and lead negotiator with Tesco, says that this is because of pre-existing terms and conditions for these workers.

"Tesco wants to renegotiate these terms and conditions and will not pay the increase until these negotiations are concluded," he said on Newstalk Breakfast.

“Any changes must come about by agreement. We went to the WRC on March 21st, but that didn’t progress the matter. We wrote to Tesco to say we will go to the Labour Court but we didn’t hear back from them.

“The only way this matter can be sorted is around a table. There is a distinct possibility of closure of stores. It behoves Tesco to sit down and talk,” Mr Light said.