Trump doctor downplays president’s coronavirus treatment suggestions

Virus response co-ordinator, Dr Deborah Birx warns social distancing may last months

Deborah Birx, US coronavirus response coordinator, speaks during a news conference at the White House. Photograph: Tasos Katopodis/UPI/Bloomberg

US president Donald Trump’s coronavirus response co-ordinator, Dr Deborah Birx, has cautioned that social distancing measures are likely to stay in place throughout the summer, as she sought to downplay the president’s dangerous suggestion that injected disinfectant and ultraviolet light could play a role in the medical treatment of Covid-19.

Dr Birx made a number of appearances on the Sunday morning TV news shows, where she was asked about Mr Trump’s comments made at a White House briefing on Thursday, which prompted immediate backlash from medical experts and industrial manufacturers who cited the potentially fatal outcome of such a process. Mr Trump has claimed the comments were sarcastic.

Appearing on CNN’s State of the Union, Dr Birx was asked if she was bothered by the fallout from the president’s remarks.

“It bothers me that this is still in the news cycle, because I think we’re missing the bigger pieces of what we need to be doing as an American people to continue to protect one another,” Dr Birx said.


“As a scientist and a public health official and a researcher, sometimes I worry that we don’t get the information to the American people that they need when we continue to bring up something that was from Thursday night.”

In a later appearance on NBC News, Birx also responded to a suggestion from the vice-president, Mike Pence, in which he claimed that the US would “largely have this coronavirus epidemic behind us” by Memorial Day, on May 25th.

Dr Birx said that while downward trends in infections and deaths in certain locations such as Houston and Detroit “gives us great hope”, she said “social distancing will be with us through the summer”.

She added that the US required a “breakthrough innovation in testing” to speed up the reopening, by testing for those who have already had coronavirus but displayed little to no symptoms, in order to track the virus’s spread.

Partial reopenings

The comments came as New York governor Andrew Cuomo said some less affected regions of the state could partially re-open when his statewide shelter in place order expires on May 15th. New York, the worst hit state in America, reported a drop in the number of deaths again on Sunday.

Meanwhile, Georgia’s governor, the Republican Brian Kemp, has partially lifted social distancing guidelines, meaning restaurants will be allowed to reopen to the public on Monday with other businesses, including gyms and salons already allowed to re-open. The order has been criticised by Democrats and Republicans because of the state’s increasing infection rate and lack of testing.

Dr Birx’s cautious wording underlined the difficulties faced by health experts working for the administration throughout the pandemic, who have attempted to balance sound scientific advice without directly contradicting haphazard and sometimes dangerous political rhetoric from political figures, including the president.

‘Not a treatment’

Mr Trump’s promotion of injected disinfectant was only the latest example of reckless promotion of unfounded or potentially harmful medical advice during the pandemic. The president had previously touted an unproven antimalarial drug, hydroxychloroquine, which the FDA has now ruled cannot be used outside of clinical trials or a hospital settings because of its potential cardiac risks.

On Sunday, Dr Birx told CNN she had “made it clear” to Mr Trump that injected disinfectant “was not a treatment”, but added the president’s advocacy on the issue should be viewed as a “kind of dialogue will happen” between scientists and politicians.

Although Mr Trump has not specified where the idea of using injected disinfectant as a possible remedy for Covid-19 came from, the Guardian revealed on Friday that a prominent group peddling the use of bleach as a “miracle cure” had written to the president earlier in the week.

Mr Trump had also pushed the potential use of ultraviolet light on the body as a treatment for coronavirus, pushing research by the Department of Homeland Security exploring how heat and sunlight affect the virus on surfaces.

Experts have also long cautioned against the dangerous, potentially lethal side effects of UV light on the human body. – Guardian