Varadkar seeks FG leadership TV debate with Coveney

Minister for Social Protection says public should see potential new taoiseach

Minister for Social Protection Leo Varadkar: ‘I think a TV debate would be a good thing.’ Photograph: Cyril Byrne

Fine Gael leadership hopeful Leo Varadkar has called for a televised debate between the candidates hoping to succeed Enda Kenny as taoiseach.

Fine Gael officials have thus far said they do not want to hold a televised debate between Mr Varadkar, Minister for Housing Simon Coveney and any other candidates who may emerge.

It is feared that granting exclusivity to one media organisation could lead to hostile coverage from others, and that the candidates’ attacks on each other could be used in future by Fine Gael’s political rivals.

Mr Varadkar on Wednesday said he has told the Fine Gael executive council of his view that there should be a live debate. The party is currently planning four hustings for party members, although these would be open to the media.



“I would be very happy to participate in a TV debate. When the contest does come we are not just electing a Fine Gael leader, we are also electing, potentially, the new taoiseach of the country so it is not just an internal matter for Fine Gael,” he said.

“I would certainly like to allow the public and also members of Fine Gael who can’t make it to one of the four hustings to have the opportunity to see a debate.”

When asked if he thought he could beat Mr Coveney in a debate, Mr Varadkar said: “I have never been overly confident about anything but, as I said earlier, I think a TV debate would be a good thing.

“It would be good for the public to see the different candidates, and there may be more than two candidates, talking about the future of the country and what we have to offer and where we would like to take the country and how we would take it forward.

“I also think there will be members of Fine Gael who can’t make the four or five hustings.”

When asked about the future composition of a Cabinet were he to succeed Mr Kenny, Mr Varadkar said he would like to talk to the Ministers concerned first.

“That’s something I haven’t given consideration to at this stage,” he said. “I think before I have any or I answer any questions asked by the media about future positions that other people may hold I should have that conversation with them first and I haven’t had those conversations.”