Warm weather forecast for this week with highs of 24 degrees

People urged to protect themselves from Ultraviolet radiation as sun at its strongest

This week is set to be humid. File photograph: Getty

The week ahead is set to become increasingly humid with warm temperatures, though not completely dry, as some patchy rain is expected.

Temperatures in the east may reach 23 or 24 degrees, which is not unusual for June. The greatest chances of sunshine will be in the north of the country and as the week progresses temperatures will rise between the 16–22-degree range.

People are urged to protect themselves from Ultraviolet (UV) radiation as the sun is at its strongest.

On bank holiday Monday there was a considerable difference in temperatures countrywide. In Dublin values hit the 20-degree mark, while Cork they managed only 14.


This week is set to be humid, while night-time temperatures will also feel high. Tonight and through the week values may not dip below 15, lending an “oppressive and heavy” feel to the atmosphere, said a Met Éireann spokeswoman.

The worst of the weather will be in the west of the country, where the highest amounts of rainfall is forecast. Any southern and western coastal areas are in the firing line for patchy rain and drizzle this week, said the spokeswoman.

The weather will in general be settled throughout the week. And it is expected to become sunnier towards the weekend, when the humid air mass will be replaced with fresher and lighter air currents.

As we approach the summer solstice on June 21st, the sun is going to be as strong as it gets in Ireland – meaning the UV is high.

The Irish Cancer Society encouraged the public to mind their skin in the sun by seeking shade, wearing covering clothes, a hat and sunglasses as well as sunscreen on exposed skin.

Despite skin cancer being the most common form of the disease in Ireland, claiming more than 230 lives annually, one-third of people are “not at all worried” about skin cancer, according to fresh research.

A survey of 1,000 adults conducted by Core Research on behalf of the Irish Cancer Society found that three in 10 people never check their skin for signs of cancer. The survey found that people mostly associate signs of skin cancer with moles – but indicators like lumps, spots and rough, scaly patches on the skin are less well understood.

Skin cancer

The Irish Cancer Society has recently spoken out about a “catch-up phenomenon” where patients have delayed getting warning signs checked due to the coronavirus pandemic. As with all cancers, catching the skin variety early is vital for patients to have the best outcome possible.

“If people notice the signs of skin cancer, early treatment can be very straightforward with a low-risk surgical procedure. However, as a skin cancer such as melanoma develops into later stages the survival rate drops significantly,” said Bláithín Moriarty, dermatologist at St Vincent’s University Hospital.

Weeks can make a difference when it comes to the stage of diagnosis, she added.

Skin cancer survivor Ailish McBride said people should “trust their gut” if they notice anything that worries them.

“In February last year I noticed a small but very dark freckle or mole just above my knee. It looked different from my other moles, so I went to see my GP and within a few days it was removed quickly and painlessly. For many people that’s all that will be needed.”