Young boy in critical condition after falling from apartment

Child (4) was taken to hospital in Dublin following incident in Edenderry, Co Offaly

Gardai in Edenderry are treating it as an accident. A passing motorist is understood to have come to boy’s aid after witnessing the fall.

A young child is in a critical condition after falling from an apartment in Co Offaly this morning.

The boy, who is believed to be about four-years-old, fell from an apartment block at Granary Court in Edenderry at about 11am.

Gardai in Edenderry are treating it as an accident. A passing motorist is understood to have come to boy’s aid after witnessing the fall.

It is understood that together with the child’s mother, the man brought the boy to a local medical centre where he was attended to by a doctor before an ambulance arrived.


A witness who was in the centre at the time said, “a woman came in and said a baby was after falling from a window and could they bring him in there.”

The witness, who asked not to be identified, said the child was conscious and moaning when he arrived.

The boy was removed by ambulance to Temple Street Children’s Hospital in Dublin where his condition is described as critical.

Gardai are appealing to anyone who witnessed the incident to contact Tullamore Garda Station on 057-93 27600.