Young drivers not getting the message about drinking, says garda

Figures show 30% of drink driving arrests are in the 21 to 29 year age group

Garda: “It’s too easy to turn a blind eye. If you see someone who is going to drive after they have been drinking then report that person.”

Young drivers have still not “gotten the message” about drink driving according to Garda Supt Con Donohue of the Garda National Traffic Bureau.

His comment comes as the Garda and the Road Safety Authority step up a drink driving enforcement and an education initiative following a rise in road deaths in the last 12 months.

The campaign will run until the end of August following a 15 per cent rise in road deaths this year compared to 2015.

Since January, 86 people have been killed on the roads — 11 more than last year.


Gardaí­ say July and August are traditionally high risk months for drink driving.

Supt Donohue told RTE's Morning Ireland that younger drivers "have not gotten the message" about drink driving with 30 per cent of arrests in the 21 to 29 years of age group.

“This is disappointing, so we are going to up the ante in terms of enforcement. We will have a targeted and strategic enforcement campaign identifying areas where drink driving is more prevalent.

“The RSA is already doing a lot in terms of education, writing to newly qualified drivers.”

He added that it is important for people to take personal responsibility by either taking the decision not to drive, to leave the car at home or reporting to the Garda when they see someone getting into a car with drink taken.

“It’s too easy to turn a blind eye. If you see someone who is going to drive after they have been drinking then report that person.

“Don’t have blood on your hands,” he said.