Irish aid agencies appeal for donations

Irish aid agencies are appealing to the public for financial support to held bring help to the victims of the Indian Ocean disaster…

Irish aid agencies are appealing to the public for financial support to held bring help to the victims of the Indian Ocean disaster.

The Irish Red Cross said it has already received thousands of euro in donations, which UNICEF Ireland has pledged €150,000 to the relief effort.

Mr David Andrews, chairman of the Irish Red Cross said he was very pleased with the response of Irish people to the appeal for donations.

"I'd like to thank all those who have taken the time to give money to us which we will send to the region," he said. "While many of the donations are indeed substantial, I would like to stress that all donations — no matter how small — are greatly appreciated."


The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) has launched an appeal of €32.3 million. The focus of the operation at the moment is bring medical supplies, food, tents and other necessities to stricken people in Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia and the Maldives, Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

The ICRC is also helping to evacuate the wounded, remove bodies and assist families displace by the disaster.

UNICEF Ireland warned that millions of people across the affected region face a grave risk of water-borne diseases unless there is immediate, wide-scale action to provide safe water.

"The floods have contaminated the water systems, leaving people with little choice but to use unclean surface water," UNICEF Ireland Executive Director Ms Maura Quinn said. "Under these conditions people will be hard put to protect themselves from cholera, diarrhoea and other deadly diseases."

Children are particularly vulnerable to water-borne diseases. "Hundreds of thousands of children who survived the massive waves that destroyed their communities now risk getting seriously ill from something as simple as taking a drink of water," Ms Quinn said.

Donations can be made to the Irish Red Cross by calling to itsoffice at 16 Merrion Square, Dublin 2,on-line at and by telephone on 1850 50 70 70.

Credit card donations can be made to UNCIEF Ireland by calling 1850 767 999 or online at or by post to UNICEF, Freepost, 25 Great Strand Street, Dublin 1. Donations can also be made through UNICEF's AIB bank account, number 24070037, sort code 93-33-84.