'Irish Easter egg' shop gimmick called racist

An English shopkeeper has been called racist for selling out-of-date chocolate Santas as "Irish Easter eggs".

An English shopkeeper has been called racist for selling out-of-date chocolate Santas as "Irish Easter eggs".

A customer threatened to call the Commission for Racial Equality after seeing the display in a Poundstretcher store in Cheshire.

Shop manager Mr Mark Cox thought the sales gimmick was fun but the Northern Ireland customer said he had insulted her race.

Mr Cox (37) told the local Daily Recordnewspaper: "I was just trying to create a bit of interest for people in their dreary lives. It was a bit of fun but we try to please all our customers and I apologise if we've offended anyone.


"I know the Irish have a sense of humour because I'm from an Irish family."

The female customer said: "I'm sick of people making out that the Irish are thick. I think it is offensive and racist."

A spokesperson for Britain's Commission for Racial Equality said: "It is possible someone in this situation could argue they have been discriminated against."