Irish exports to top €4bn in 3 years

Assisted company exports are set to leap to €4bn in the next three years, according to a strategy document published by Enterprise…

Assisted company exports are set to leap to €4bn in the next three years, according to a strategy document published by Enterprise Ireland today.

A 100 per cent rise in the number of high potential start-ups, half of which will be located outside Dublin, has also been forecast.

CEO of Enterprise Ireland, Frank Ryan, said the targets are indicative of confidence in the growth of Irish firms.

"We can do very little to influence external factors such as exchange rates, oil prices and growth rates in our trading partners," he said.


"However we can greatly influence the ability of Irish firms to compete and grow in international markets by enhancing leadership and innovation capabilities - key sources of competitive advantage and growth."

According to the document, technological progression will drive export sales increases. If achieved, revenues are expected to be impacted when organisations offer additional services as part of their business.

Launching the document, entitled Transforming Irish Industry 2008-2010, Minister Michael Martin TD said that the development of export sales lies in "robust growth strategies, underpinned by strong leadership, a highly innovative culture and a drive for efficiency and productivity."

He added: "Today Ireland faces the challenges of a developed, mature economy and an ever-more competitive global marketplace."