Irish Language

Diarmaid ╙ Muirithe is a former lecturer in the Department of Irish Language and Literature in UCD

Diarmaid ╙ Muirithe is a former lecturer in the Department of Irish Language and Literature in UCD. He has been a Fulbright Professor of English and has lectured in US and Canadian universities. He is the author of books on a range of topics, including Anglo-Irish lexicography. He has had 12 plays broadcast by RT╔ Radio and has won a Jacobs Award. He writes the Saturday column, 'The Words We Use', for The Irish Times.

Alan Titley is head of the Irish Department at St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra. He is a novelist, story writer, dramatist and literary scholar. He is the author of nine books, including a novel An Fear Dβna, a collection of short stories, Eiriceachta∅ agus ScΘalta Eile, which won the Irish-American Butler prize in 1987, and a collection of fables, FabhalscΘalta. An tUrscΘal Gaelige is a study of the novel in Irish, and Chur Doirne is a selection of his cultural and literary essays.

┴ine N∅ Ghlinn is a poet and formerly lectured in Dublin City University. She has published three collections of poems An ChΘim Bhriste, Gaird∅n Pharthais (which won the Bord na Gaelige Award at Listowel Writers Week 1997) and Deora nβr Caoineadh/Unshed Tears. She has also written two non-fiction works for teenagers, Mnβ as an Gnβth and Daoine agus DΘithe. She is a script writer for the TG4 soap Ros na R·n.