Irish playwright wins RTE award

Broken Cups by Noel Monahan from Stragella, Co Cavan, has been selected the winning play in the 19th RTE Radio 1 P.J

Broken Cups by Noel Monahan from Stragella, Co Cavan, has been selected the winning play in the 19th RTE Radio 1 P.J. O'Connor Awards 2001. The station's director-general, Mr Bob Collins, presented the top prize of £2,000 at a ceremony in Dublin yesterday.

There were over 200 entries and the first three plays will receive professional productions on RTE Radio 1. The runners-up were Rose Earley One Morning by Charles McCarthy, Dublin (£1,500) and Alias Sprog by Margaret Coen and Judy Russell from Enniskerry, Co Wicklow (£1,000).