Irish producers set to benefit from beef deficit

Irish producers are poised to reap greater rewards because of the first deficit in the European market for 25 years, a beef industry…

Irish producers are poised to reap greater rewards because of the first deficit in the European market for 25 years, a beef industry conference heard today.

The Minister for Agriculture, Mr Walsh, told the conference that the market was expanding because confidence in the sector had been restored by the strict regulatory regime implemented after the BSE scare.

"In my view this became an essential tool in restoring consumer confidence and reviving beef consumption in the EU," Mr Walsh said.

Beef buyers from British and mainland European retailers heard that Irish beef is set "to move up the value chain" because of the high proportion of dedicated Irish beef herds fed on grass.


Managing director of Dawn Meats Mr Dan Browne told the Bord Bia European Meat Forum that because modern production methods had led to enhanced customer responsiveness, half the million-tonne deficit in the European market could be met by Irish producers.

Ireland's beef exports are worth €1.3 billion, 85 per cent of which goes to Britain and Europe.