Irish student refused bail in Senegal

A court in Saint-Louis, Senegal, did not grant bail to Irish student Patrick Devine (19), yesterday, according to the Department…

A court in Saint-Louis, Senegal, did not grant bail to Irish student Patrick Devine (19), yesterday, according to the Department of Foreign Affairs, but another appeal for bail is expected to take place next week.

Mr Devine, who is from Dunfanaghy, Co Donegal, was arrested on July 27th for "indecent exposure", when he allegedly dropped his trousers in front of the home of the governor of Saint-Louis.

He has been held in the Maison de Correction for the past three months and it is expected that his trial will take place on August 29th.

The Department of Foreign Affairs has confirmed that its consular staff will remain in Senegal to provide assistance to Mr Devine and his family.


Mr Devine, who is a student at Queen's University Belfast, was teaching English to children in Senegal on a voluntary basis with the British-run company, Teaching & Projects Abroad (Tap).

Peter Slowe, director of Tap, told The Irish Timesthat the organisation was doing everything it could to help in the situation, but that he was unwilling to comment further on the case.

Mr Devine's family and friends would not comment on his situation, but friends of the student have posted messages of support on his Bebo website page.