Irish view of global poverty 'unique'

Developing countries had a responsibility to "unlock the cage of global poverty", said Fine Gael spokesman on enterprise Phil…

Developing countries had a responsibility to "unlock the cage of global poverty", said Fine Gael spokesman on enterprise Phil Hogan. Speaking during a debate on the World Trade Organisation (WTO) meeting in Hong Kong later this month, he said the transition "from the Great Famine to the Celtic Tiger" should give Ireland a uniquely compassionate view.

Labour spokesman Brendan Howlin said his party believed in a multilateral trade system. "We are concerned at the growing tide of unilateralism that causes disadvantage to the weakest."

Eamon Ryan, of the Green Party, said much attention had rightly been paid to the Government's failure to live up to its commitment to meet the UN development goals.

Martin Ferris, of Sinn Féin, said there were many issues relating to the WTO talks which concerned farmers. "These centre, above all, on Trade Commissioner Mandelson's proposals to place the Common Agricultural Policy on the table as part of the deal."


Minister of State for Trade and Commerce Michael Ahern said the EU remained convinced that WTO members should deal with the principle that developing countries, other than least developing countries, should open their markets according to their level of development.

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times