Is your software safe?

System Dynamics, a Dublin company that specialises in Year 2000 issues, has a database of software and how it is affected by …

System Dynamics, a Dublin company that specialises in Year 2000 issues, has a database of software and how it is affected by the turn of the century. A short extract of its much more detailed information gives a chilling view of the problems that may be faced by some of the commonest programs in use in Ireland.

MS Works: problem with the date function.

MS Word 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: problem with the date function.

MS Excel: problem with dates pre 1/3/1900 and with assumed values in dates specified with two-digit year.


MS PowerPoint: no dates used internally in product.

Corel Word Perfect: version 7 and above are compliant.

Adobe Photoshop: Year 2000 compliant.

Windows 3.1 and 3.11: issues with File Manager in particular.

Windows 95: File Manager issue too. Fix available but it is not recommended that it be applied. Upgrade is recommended.

Mac OS 7, 7.5 and 8: Year 2000 compliant - but problems might start with dates beyond 2019!

JD Edwards (accounting software): Year 2000 compliant.

JBA: System 21 is Year 2000 compliant, others not guaranteed.

Tetra: latest versions are, some older versions are not.

MacroPay (payroll software): no information available.

Netscape: dates are derived from Operating System.

Internet Explorer: dates are derived from Operating System.

ICQ: no information available.

Lotus Notes: Version 3 and above are compliant.

Lotus 1-2-3: Version 5 and above only are compliant.

CC-Mail: Version 6 and above only.

Quicken: version 4 and beyond only.

Sprint: no information available.

Claris Works: no dates in product.

Claris Emailer: no dates in product.