Israel arrests six over alleged plot to kill Bush

Israel has arrested six Arabs of trying to set up an al-Qaeda cell in Israel and said one of them had proposed attacking helicopters…

Israel has arrested six Arabs of trying to set up an al-Qaeda cell in Israel and said one of them had proposed attacking helicopters used during a visit by President George W. Bush.

Israel's Shin Bet counter-intelligence agency said one of the suspects had used his mobile phone to film helicopters at a sports stadium in Jerusalem that was used as a landing site for Mr Bush's delegation.

The suspect then posted queries on websites frequented by al-Qaeda operatives, asking for guidance on how to shoot down the helicopters, the agency said in a statement.

Mr Bush visited Israel in January and again in May.

The Shin Bet identified four of the suspects as Palestinian residents of Arab East Jerusalem and two as Israeli Arabs.

The Shin Bet said the men had met several times at Jerusalem's al-Aqsa mosque, seeking to organize a local al-Qaeda network. The agency said computers seized from several of the suspects contained bomb-making manuals.

Earlier this month, Israel indicted two Bedouin Arabs for links to al-Qaeda and for planning attacks inside the Jewish state.
