Israel cabinet opts to continue Lebanon strategy

Israel's cabinet decided today to continue the current raids into Lebanon rather than launching a bigger ground offensive against…

Israel's cabinet decided today to continue the current raids into Lebanon rather than launching a bigger ground offensive against Hizbullah, a political source said.

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's security cabinet met after nine soldiers were killed in south Lebanon, the heaviest loss the army has suffered in 24 hours since the war began.

"It was decided to continue the offensive with the same strategy, using pinpointed ground incursions and air strikes, not to bring in massive forces," the source said. "At the moment the army is not bound by time, it can act as long as needed."

It said more reservists might still be drafted.


Israel Radio said ministers made clear they had no intention of widening the conflict to confront Syria, which backs Hizbullah.

Israeli forces have been trying to push Hizbullah back from the border and end rocket attacks since the Shia group abducted two soldiers in a raid on July 12th, but the army is wary of getting bogged down in guerrilla battles in southern Lebanon.