Israeli remarks condemned

MIDDLE EAST: ISRAELI DEPUTY prime minister Shaul Mofaz was sharply criticised by defence officials yesterday, who said his remarks…

MIDDLE EAST:ISRAELI DEPUTY prime minister Shaul Mofaz was sharply criticised by defence officials yesterday, who said his remarks that Israel was left with "no alternative" but to attack Iran's nuclear facilities were highly irresponsible and motivated by narrow political goals.

"Turning one of the most strategic security issues into a political game, using it for the internal purposes of a would-be campaign in Kadima, is something that must not be done," Israeli deputy defence minister Matan Vilnai said.

Mr Mofaz, who is a former military chief, is considered a frontrunner should the ruling Kadima party hold primaries to replace prime minister Ehud Olmert, who is facing corruption charges and is under pressure to stand down.

In the most strident remarks yet by a senior Israeli leader on Iran, Mr Mofaz told Yediot Ahronoth that "if Iran continues its nuclear weapons programme, we will attack it". Mr Mofaz's remarks contributed to a nearly 9 per cent spike in oil prices on Friday.