Jailed for attack on student

A Queen's University sociology student beaten unconscious in a drunken attack last September may never be able to return to his…

A Queen's University sociology student beaten unconscious in a drunken attack last September may never be able to return to his studies, a Belfast court heard yesterday. The student was beaten about the head so badly that he still suffers from memory loss and a lack of concentration.

His three drunken attackers, who come from the loyalist Taughmonagh estate in south Belfast and who admitted the attack, were jailed for a total of 12 1/2 years.

Michael Johnston (31), from Finwood Park, was jailed for five years. David Corry (26), of Finbank Gardens, was given four years, and Norman Earle (22), of Finnis Close, was jailed for 3 1/2 years.