Japan refuses North Korea energy aid

Japan may provide help to North Korea in scrapping its nuclear programme, but it still refuses to give energy assistance because…

Japan may provide help to North Korea in scrapping its nuclear programme, but it still refuses to give energy assistance because of a feud over abducted Japanese citizens, a government spokesman said today.

Japan has refused to contribute to the energy aid despite Washington's decision last week to remove Pyongyang from a US terrorism blacklist after the two countries agreed on the verification measures for its nuclear programme.

But Tokyo is under pressure from Seoul, which wants Japan to join South Korea, China, Russia and the United States in providing the energy aid promised under a six-way agreement to end Pyongyang's nuclear programmes.

"Japan will not provide energy aid unless there is progress in the abductees issue, this has been declared before," Chief Cabinet Secretary Takeo Kawamura told a news conference.


"But in terms of the nuclear issue, Japan is contributing to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and it is possible that we will co-operate in moves taking place in such areas," he added.

Concerns are growing that Japan will be left behind in the six-way talks if it sticks to its tough stance over the long-simmering issue of the kidnapped Japanese.

North Korea abducted Japanese citizens in the 1970s and 1980s. Five of them came back to Japan in 2002, but Tokyo wants information about eight more Pyongyang said it kidnapped and a further four Tokyo suspects were also victims.

The six parties have agreed that up to one million tonnes of heavy fuel or energy aid equivalent to that will be provided to North Korea when it disables its nuclear facility at Yongbyon and declares its nuclear programmes.

Instead of energy aid, Japan is considering providing money and technology worth about 16 billion yen ($156.8 million) to be used to scrap Pyongyang's nuclear programme, the Nikkeibusiness daily reported on today.

This amount is roughly equivalent to what Japan has been asked to contribute for the energy aid, the Nikkeisaid.

Meanwhile, Pyongyang's official Korean Central News Agency said on Tuesday that it was necessary to discuss Japan's right to take part in the six-way process. "Nothing says Japan needs to participate in this," it said.
