Joyce estate gets book injunction

A publishing house has been restrained by the High Court from further printing or distribution of a new book containing excerpts…

A publishing house has been restrained by the High Court from further printing or distribution of a new book containing excerpts from James Joyce's Ulysses.

The James Joyce Estate was granted an interim injunction against the National University of Ireland, trading as The Cork University Press.

Mr Cian Ferriter, for the James Joyce Estate, told Mr Justice Butler that the work, Irish Writing in the 20th Century, contained substantial extracts of works by James Joyce, in contravention of copyright held by the Joyce Estate.

He said the NUI had not been happy with the £7,500 sterling fee sought by the Joyce Estate and had apparently gone ahead with the publication using extracts from a Danis Rose work on Ulysses published at a time when copyright allegedly had not existed on Joyce writings.