Judge approves placement of abused boy in English care centre

A disturbed teenage boy who was sexually abused and is alleged to have sexually abused three young people is to receive therapy…

A disturbed teenage boy who was sexually abused and is alleged to have sexually abused three young people is to receive therapy in a unit in England because there is no suitable facility here.

The 15-year-old is the second Irish boy to be placed in the English unit, the High Court was told.

After hearing evidence yesterday from a senior practitioner with the English unit, the East Coast Area Health Board and the boy's mother, all of whom supported the board's proposal to place the boy in the unit, Mr Justice Kearns approved the plan.

The judge also heard that while gardai had completed an investigation into complaints about the boy and a file had been sent to the DPP, no charges were pending. The Garda Commissioner was not seeking to obstruct the boy's placement but this was without prejudice to any future steps that might be taken, Ms Nuala Butler, for the State, said.


At an earlier hearing, the court was told there was a "real likelihood" the boy would commit a serious sexual offence unless he received urgent coun selling and treatment. The boy has a mental age of nine, has been out of school for a long time and was said to be very aggressive to his mother and siblings.

Yesterday the judge heard an English unit catering for children exhibiting sexual behaviour al problems, would accept the boy for assessment after which it was hoped he would be placed there for a lengthy period. Another Irish child in the unit was said to be doing well. The boy was enthusiastic about going to the unit and recognised he needed help, the judge was told.

Mr Felix McEnroy SC, for the health board, said there was no unit in this State which could offer the therapy the boy required. The board would fund the placement and access visits to the boy from his mother and siblings.

In another case, the court heard that a vulnerable 15-yearold girl in health board care had given birth this month to a baby girl. Mr Justice Kearns approved a plan to move the girl and her baby from a secure unit to another unit which is not secure. He said the case would be reviewed in four weeks.

The judge continued an order directing the father of the baby girl to stay away from the child and her mother.

Mary Carolan

Mary Carolan

Mary Carolan is the Legal Affairs Correspondent of the Irish Times