Judge Kelly to head up new commercial court

Mr Justice Kelly will head up a new specialist commercial court, The Irish Times has learned

Mr Justice Kelly will head up a new specialist commercial court, The Irish Times has learned. The court is expected to be in operation by the beginning of the next legal year in October.

The proposal to set up such a court, similar to specialist commercial courts in London and Edinburgh, first came in a report last February from the Committee on Court Practice and Procedure, chaired by Ms Justice Susan Denham. This was welcomed by the then Minister for Justice, Mr O'Donoghue.

He asked the Courts Service to examine the matter, and it came up with a favourable report last summer. It was then referred to the President of the High Court, Mr Justice Finnegan, to examine the practical implications and the feasibility of setting up such a court on a pilot basis.

Important commercial cases are dealt with in the High Court at the moment, but there are no specialist judges assigned specifically for this area of work.


Mr Justice Finnegan has just assigned Mr Justice Kelly to head up the pilot of the new commercial court. Mr Justice Kelly has established a committee involving senior staff from the Courts Service to draw up rules.

There will also be a consultation process with court users.

The Courts Service and the OPW are negotiating the acquisition of suitable accommodation, with adjoining facilities near the Four Courts. The transaction of business by electronic means will be a key feature of the commercial court.