Judge lets Lidl store on Moore St sell alcohol despite objections

German supermarket chain Lidl has been given the go-ahead to sell alcohol from its new store on Moore Street, Dublin, despite…

German supermarket chain Lidl has been given the go-ahead to sell alcohol from its new store on Moore Street, Dublin, despite objections from stall-holders and gardaí that it would worsen the street-drinking problem.

The President of the District Court, Judge Peter Smithwick, yesterday granted an off-licence order to the company, but with conditions relating to hours of sales, security and tracing of its drink products.

Stall-holders and other traders had objected claiming they had to deal constantly with homeless people congregating in the area to drink.

Drunk and abusive people often harassed the traditional fruit and veg stall-holders, many of whom were elderly women.


When gardaí arrested and even had them jailed, they invariably returned to do worse things.

One stall-holder, Mr Tom Cullen, said excrement and urine were found under stalls when traders started up in the morning.

The traders believed that Lidl, with its cheaper beer, would be even more attractive for vagrants.

Even if Lidl barred them from the store, they would get other people to buy the drink for them.

Gardaí believed the area was already more than adequately served with off-licences.

Many public order incidents on Moore Street/Parnell Street during the evening were drink-related.

After hearing further evidence from traders and Lidl, Judge Smithwick said he would grant the licence but it would be open to the traders to object to a renewal next year if the store failed to deal adequately with any problems.