Judge lifts order on bowling final

A High Court judge has lifted an injunction preventing the playing of the final of the Co Cork bowling championship.

A High Court judge has lifted an injunction preventing the playing of the final of the Co Cork bowling championship.

The final had been scheduled to be played in Skibbereen, west Cork last June.

However the contest had to be deferred because of the injunction granted to Kieran Gould of Blarney, Co Cork.

The injunction applied pending the outcome of proceedings in which Mr Gould challenged a two-year suspension imposed on him in May 2006 over the alleged dangerous manner in which he threw a practice shot at the quarter-final of the Co Cork bowling championship.


Mr Gould denied he threw practice bowls over the heads of spectators in a dangerous manner.

He claimed he was denied fair procedures.

Mr Gould also claimed the penalty imposed was grossly disproportionate to the alleged offence and had effectively ended his bowling career.

Yesterday, Mr Justice Thomas Smyth dismissed the action by Mr Gould against nine members of BoI Chamann na hÉireann (Irish Road Bowling Association) and discharged the injunction.

He ruled there was no bias shown towards Mr Gould at the decision-making meeting of the organisation at which the suspension was imposed on Mr Gould and the procedures followed were not unfair. The issues of costs and a possible appeal are expected to be dealt with when the case comes up for mention again on February 13th.

Mary Carolan

Mary Carolan

Mary Carolan is the Legal Affairs Correspondent of the Irish Times