Judge warns on impatient bus travellers

A judge has warned passengers of the risks involved in moving to the exit before a bus has come to a halt, particularly in areas…

A judge has warned passengers of the risks involved in moving to the exit before a bus has come to a halt, particularly in areas of high-density traffic. "It mystifies me why people cannot sit and wait a few extra seconds in order to descend safely from a bus," Judge Liam Devally said in the Circuit Civil Court.

Mr Paul Murray, counsel for Mrs Frances Loughman, Glengara Park, Glenageary, said his client fell against the driver's barrier when the bus swerved while approaching a Dublin city centre terminus.

Awarding Mrs Loughman £6,200 damages for a neck injury, Judge Devally held that her impatience had contributed by 25 per cent to the accident and reduced the decree to £4,650.