Judges appeal planning for house

A Supreme Court judge and his wife, also a judge, are among those appealing a Donegal County Council decision to grant permission…

A Supreme Court judge and his wife, also a judge, are among those appealing a Donegal County Council decision to grant permission to a priest for a new house.

An Bord Pleanála has received five objections to the decision to grant permission to Fr Philip Daly for a house on the "sea side" of the road at Lackagh, Portnoo. Fr Daly has been a curate in the area for the last seven years.

Among the appellants are Mr Justice Adrian Hardiman and his wife, Judge Yvonne Murphy of the Circuit Court, who have a holiday home on the upper side of the road. Four other appeals were received from local residents. They are all appealing on the grounds that proposed development will destroy scenic views as it will be located between the road and the sea.

The appeal from Martin Ryan Architects on behalf of Mr Justice Hardiman and Judge Murphy stated they wished Fr Daly would build on "their side of the road".


"Their objection is to development of the application site and not to the appellant, whom they would welcome on their side of the road," the appeal stated.

Another appeal from local residents said: "Whilst we would love to have Fr Daly live in the area, we do object to any building being allowed on the sea-side of the road as this would create a precedent for future development. . ."

Local councillor Enda Bonner wrote a letter of support in favour of Fr Daly. Mr Bonner argued that Fr Daly wanted to build a retirement home, adding that two issues that caused the last application to be refused were being addressed in the latest application.