June 12th likely to be EU referendum date

EU: BERTIE AHERN has effectively named Thursday, June 12th, as the date of the Lisbon Treaty referendum, although the matter…

EU:BERTIE AHERN has effectively named Thursday, June 12th, as the date of the Lisbon Treaty referendum, although the matter still has to be finalised in discussions with Fine Gael and Labour next week.

Asked in a press conference yesterday if the date had been finalised, Mr Ahern replied: "I hope to do that next week. I think we're somewhere in or around the 12th."

Acknowledging that the summer examinations were a complication, he continued: "We're trying to play around exams a bit, to be honest with you. You have third-level exams, we are such a highly intelligent people, the exams start in early May and they go on till the end of June."

Asked if maximising the participation of young people in the referendum was a priority, he said: "I want the younger population to be here. Unfortunately, I don't have the privilege of it, but they all tell me that once you hit mid-June everyone goes away to their villas and their country houses."


Mr Ahern effectively ruled out a weekend vote: "I like the idea of a Saturday in winter, but all you have to do is to sit and explore the M50 on Friday at lunchtime to see the amount of people now that head out, even in wintertime, and I'd hate to be having a vote in Dublin Central where I would be the only one around."

The discussions at the summit had illustrated the importance of the EU for Ireland and the need to ratify the Lisbon Treaty.

"Everything we've been discussing these last two days - jobs, growth, climate change, energy and international finance - shows exactly why we need the European Union. They are all international and global issues and this has been a good meeting because it occurs at an important juncture for Europe.

"Europe now has to deliver internationally if it's to succeed in delivering for its citizens domestically. The EU needs to be more effective and, as I said in the last few days so many times, that's why we require the Reform Treaty.

"We need this treaty precisely so that we can get on with tackling the big global issues of the 21st century.

"Not only must we work together but we must do so in a more effective and efficient manner, and a more efficient and effective Europe is good for Ireland and good for our citizens," he added.

In relation to the Mahon tribunal, Mr Ahern was asked if he was confident he could clear up any confusion about financial transactions arising from this week's proceedings.

He replied, "Yes, I am. Don't worry about them."

Deaglán  De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún, a former Irish Times journalist, is a contributor to the newspaper