Jury finds Utah Mormon guilty of bigamy

A jury in the United States last night found avowed Utah polygamist Tom Green guilty on all four counts of bigamy for being married…

A jury in the United States last night found avowed Utah polygamist Tom Green guilty on all four counts of bigamy for being married to five women at the same time, in what is believed to be the first case brought against a polygamist in the US in 50 years.

The jury also found Green, who has fathered 29 children, guilty of one count of not paying child support.

A disheartened Green said he planned to appeal and called the jury's verdict lousy.

"I think it's wrong ... I just can't imagine", Green said, adding he believed jurors were swayed by emotion.


Green was particularly critical of prosecutor Mr David Leavitt, the brother of Utah Gov Mike Leavitt.

"He's more capable than I ever gave him credit for and a hell of a liar", Green told reporters minutes after the verdict was read.

Green, 52, testified he was only married to the women in a spiritual sense and that prosecutors charged him because he has spoken openly about polygamy on national television.

The jury of five women and three men deliberated for just under three hours.