Karzai poised to win Afghanistan presidency

The Afghan presidency could be decided today as interim leader Hamid Karzai is holding a 40-point lead with half the votes counted…

The Afghan presidency could be decided today as interim leader Hamid Karzai is holding a 40-point lead with half the votes counted.

Barring a major shock from an investigation by foreign experts into allegations of electoral fraud brought by Mr Karzai's challengers, the US-backed incumbent appears set for a landslide victory, bringing him the simple majority required.

"Today's figures should produce something in excess of 60 per cent and it should be fairly clear what the situation is," said Mr Reginald Austin, chief technical adviser to the election's UN and Afghan organisers.

However, official results will only be released after the foreign experts complete their inquiry and the count is complete, which could take another week or so.


By this morning, 4.14 million of the estimated eight million votes cast had been counted at eight heavily guarded counting centres across the country, including at least partial returns from all 34 provinces and from Afghan refugees in Pakistan and Iran .

Mr Karzai had 2,474,119 votes, or 59.8 per cent, thanks to strong backing from his fellow Pashtun tribesmen in the south and east. But he has secured only mixed results among minorities in the north and centre, perpetuating the country's deep ethnic divisions.

Former Education Minister Yunus Qanooni, a Tajik, was second at 17.2 per cent. Hazara chieftain Mohammed Mohaqeq had 8.5 per cent, and Uzbek strongman Abdul Rashid Dostum had 8.1 per cent.