Kennedy stresses Trimble role

The UUP leader is now "probably the most significant figure" involved in the peace process negotiations and there is "a great…

The UUP leader is now "probably the most significant figure" involved in the peace process negotiations and there is "a great responsibility" on him at this time, Senator Edward Kennedy said here yesterday as he welcomed the meeting between the British Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair, and the Sinn Fein president, Mr Gerry Adams.

The challenge now for all the parties is "to understand that this is the time to put their last offer forward". He did not minimise the complexity of the various meetings taking place.

Congressman Peter King told The Irish Times that yesterday's meeting in London "sends a very strong signal to David Trimble" that he has to engage fully in the talks. Otherwise, "the world is going to look to Trimble as the one obstructing the peace process".

Senator Kennedy, who was replying to a question following a speech on domestic politics at the National Press Club, said that this was a time of "dramatic change in Northern Ireland by extraordinary men and women who are willing to take chances for peace".