Kenny tribute to Enda Marren

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has expressed his deep sadness at the death of Enda Marren, chair of the Fine Gael trustees and former member…

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has expressed his deep sadness at the death of Enda Marren, chair of the Fine Gael trustees and former member of the Council of State.

A native of Kilrasser, Swinford, Co Mayo, Mr Marren was a member of the Fine Gael executive council, and was a former party strategist and director of elections.

“Enda was an oustanding lawyer of the utmost integrity whose greatest passions in life were Fine Gael politics and his fondness for his beloved Mayo. I would like to express my condolences on behalf of the Fine Gael party to his wife Nuala, sons David, Paul, Pádraic, daughters Martina and Elaine and his many friends. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam,” said Mr Kenny in a statement.

Mr Marren was born in Killasser in 1934, where his parents were teachers. He went to Rockwell College and University College Dublin where he graduated with BA and LLB degrees.


He qualified as a solicitor and founded Martin E Marren and Co in 1958. He served as senior partner until 1996 when he was succeeded by his son Paul. He became involved in Fine Gael in Dublin in the 1960s, becoming a member of the national executive. When Garret FitzGerald became party leader in 1977 and initiated a major modernisation programme, Mr Marren became one of his close advisers.