Kerry goal

TANAISTE Dick Spring turned up to open sometime publisher and art patron Noelle Cambell Sharp's new Dublin venture an art gallery…

TANAISTE Dick Spring turned up to open sometime publisher and art patron Noelle Cambell Sharp's new Dublin venture an art gallery on St Stephen's Green. The Kerry link is that the gallery will show the work of the people who have been down in Noelle's Cill Rialaig artists' colony in Dick's home county.

US ambassador Jean Kennedy Smith dropped by, as did a very tanned Tom and Judy Kane from Ad are Manor who flew in from New Jersey for the occasion, because as Tom said, "Noelle can be very persuasive".

On his flying visit he intends to do some work organising the Shamrock Classic, a game of American football which will take place in Croke Park in November. I couldn't quite get to grips with exactly why a team from the US Navy will be playing the Fighting Irish from Boston's Notre Dame in the home of the GAA but apparently over 16,000 Americans will be flying in for the occasion.