Kerry golf course hotel rejected

Proposals to build 26 holiday homes and an 82-bedroom hotel at a golf course overlooking the Kenmare river have been refused …

Proposals to build 26 holiday homes and an 82-bedroom hotel at a golf course overlooking the Kenmare river have been refused by An Bord Pleanála.

Kerry County Council had refused permission for the development at the Ring of Kerry Golf and Country Club at Greenane, Templenoe, 5kms west of Kenmare, and this had been appealed by developers Trentdale Ltd.

The promoters had argued the hotel and holiday homes would be part of an established tourism facility that would enhance the attractions of the area. The hotel was to include conference and leisure centres, a restaurant and a bar.

However, the board's inspector noted the "significant number of one-off housing in the area" and the need to protect the rural landscape, which is zoned general rural. The hotel, on an elevated site in an area of considerable tourist importance, would be visible from the Beara peninsula and from the Kenmare river.


In deciding to uphold the council's decision, An Bord Pleanála ruled it would conflict with the county development plan, which seeks to protect the rural character and amenities of the county. It also upheld the council's finding that the location, on the busy N70, would endanger public safety by reason of traffic hazard.

There was not adequate water supply for the development and the board was concerned about the effect on watercourses, particularly on the nearby Kenmare river.

Objections to the local authority had focused on over-development of holiday homes, the need to protect water quality for existing oyster production at Templenoe and the destruction of the area's natural beauty.