Kidnap investigation under way

Gardaí are today continuing an investigation into a tiger kidnap yesterday in which the wife of a security firm director was …

Gardaí are today continuing an investigation into a tiger kidnap yesterday in which the wife of a security firm director was abducted and her husband was forced to hand over a quantity of cash.

At least three armed men forced their way into the couple's home at around 9pm in Monasterboice, Co Louth, on Friday night and held them overnight.

At 6am yesterday, the woman was taken from her house in a silver Mercedes 02 D 43757. Her husband to was instructed to obtain a sum of money from Brinks Allied, Clonshaugh, and await instructions.

Yesterday morning, gardaí became aware of the incident and mounted a response involving both local and national units.


At 8.30am, a silver Toyota Landcruiser, registration 01 KE 843, left the Brinks Allied premises Clonshaugh it was seen in the area of Plunkett College, Drumcondra, and Thatch Road, Whitehall, Dublin 9. The vehicle was later found abandoned and on fire in St John's Wood Ashbourne at 9.30am.

A sum of money, reported to be €170,000, was handed over to the armed gang, who wore dark overalls and balaclavas. At about 10am, the wife of the official was released from the rear of a derelict house on Howth Road.

An incident room has been set up at Drogheda Garda Station, and anyone with information can contact gardaí on 041 9874200 or the Garda Confidential Line 1800 666 111 or any Garda station.

Gardaí are appealing for information from anyone who might have seen the silver Mercedes from 6am, when it left the house in Monasterboice, until it was discovered burnt out at 9.30am at 780 Howth Road, which is a derelict property.

Gardaí are also seeking information on the Landcruiser, which left Monasterboice yesterday morning sometime after 6am and stopped at the Graveyard at Balbriggan while travelling to Clonshaugh. It then continued to the Brinks Allied premises in Clonshaugh and left there at about 8.30am.

Between 8.40am and 9am it was seen in the area of Plunkett College Drumcondra and Thatch Road, Whitehall, Dublin 9, and then found on fire and abandoned in St John’s Wood, Ashbourne.

Anyone who saw suspicious activity in and around the Brownstown area of Monasterboice last night or in the past number of days is also asked to contact gardaí.

Jason Michael

Jason Michael

Jason Michael is a journalist with The Irish Times