Kosovars fly home from Shannon

Some 102 Kosovars who arrived in this State between May 10th and June 17th left for Kosovo from Shannon Airport early this morning…

Some 102 Kosovars who arrived in this State between May 10th and June 17th left for Kosovo from Shannon Airport early this morning. The refugees, who were billeted in Tralee, Killarney, Millstreet, Cork city and Kildare, left behind them a further 250 of their relatives and friends. Those remaining behind have the approval of the Government to remain here for a further 12 months, after which their position will be reviewed.

Under a special arrangement, it is open to the heads of various families to return to Kosovo to establish whether a future life there for their families would be tenable. If not, the Government will pay for the return journey. If spouses or children have been found, they will also be allowed to return with the head of the family.