Labour Party targets Údarás elections

Issues effecting the Gaeltacht were addressed today in the Labour Party's first ever special Tionól, or gathering, in Connemara…

Issues effecting the Gaeltacht were addressed today in the Labour Party's first ever special Tionól, or gathering, in Connemara.

The Tionól was organised by local Labour branches in Connemara as part of the party's preparations for the Údarás na Gaeltachta elections next April.

A range of issues were addressed including the controversial issue of planning, employment, youth affairs,  language, culture and marine.

Labour's Connemara spokesman, Trevor Ó Clochartaigh, said the event was testimony to the party's commitment to the problems of smaller, rural communities and added that it would become a yearly event.


"It's been a challenging and diverse programme for our own members and interested parties and we hope it will become an annual event in the party's calendar", he said.

The panel of speakers included the party's environment spokesperson, Eamon Gilmore, party president and foreign affairs spokesman, Michael D Higgins and former Siptu president Des Geraghty.

The meeting was held in Seanscoil Sailearna, in Inbhearán, Connemara.