Labour spokesman calls for debate on Iraq

The Labour Party spokesman on international affairs Mr Michael D Higgins today called on the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr…

The Labour Party spokesman on international affairs Mr Michael D Higgins today called on the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Brian Cowen, for a public debate on where Ireland now stands in relation to war in Iraq.

"The possible return of weapons inspectors to Iraq may lead to the complete removal of weapons of mass destruction, and thereby avert a war in the region. Instead the US seem intent on thwarting any such move," Mr Higgins said.

"The integrity of the weapons inspectors is now as much in danger from the United States as it is from Iraq non-compliance," he added.

He called on the Minister for Foreign Affairs to clarify the issue saying he "should state whether Ireland is with advocates of international law or with the unilateralists".


Mr Higgins also criticised the use of Shannon Airport by the US military saying "To our shame, and without Oireachtas approval, Shannon Airport is being used for the military build-up".

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times