Landmine blast kills two aid workers in Sudan

An aid worker and his African colleague have been killed by a landmine in the Sudan.

An aid worker and his African colleague have been killed by a landmine in the Sudan.

The Save the Children charity said programme manager Mr Rafe Bullick (34) from Edinburgh, and Sudanese water engineer Mr Nourredine Issa Tayeb (41) died when their vehicle drove over the anti-tank landmine in the troubled Darfur region.

The charity said Mr Bullick had dual British-Irish nationality. It said the incident happened on Sunday.

The Sudanese driver, Mr Abakar Youssif, survived the incident but has serious burns and is being treated in hospital.


Mr Mike Aaronson, the charity's director general, praised the hard work of the aid workers.

"No words are sufficient to describe the loss of two valued colleagues, whose work and efforts in North Darfur brought much relief to many children and their families caught up in this crisis.

"At this time our hearts go out to the families of our colleagues."

Save the Children has been involved with emergency relief work in Sudan and welfare efforts for children affected by the crisis.

The pair were carrying out programme work in an area which until three weeks ago had been nearly inaccessible to the outside world.